5. All Together Now! (Ages Birth-5)
All Together Now! classes offer families with more than one child in this age group the opportunity to attend music class together. The classes are filled with a great variety of music and movement activities to meet children's developmental needs, to hold the children's interest in the group setting, and to bring families together.
Benefits of Mixed Age Classes:
For Parents
Allow families with limited time to all come to the same class.
Help parents with early walkers feel more comfortable with their child who is no longer a lap baby, and not yet a solid toddler.
Are sometimes perceived by parents as having a broader acceptance level with fewer expectations. A wider span of ages brings with it a wider variety of behaviors.
Give parents an opportunity to observe their children's behaviors with other children of similar and contrasting age.
Give families an opportunity to develop a shared repertoire of music and childhood games.
Meet the specific preference of some families who do not have childcare options for younger children.
For Children
Provide opportunities for younger children to learn more advanced language and movement possibilities from older children.
Give children a chance to learn social skills by seeing how various ages respond. Younger children can observe older children, which encourages preschoolers to develop leadership skills before going to school.
Allow children - whose various skills naturally develop at different rates - to feel comfortable in many areas.
There are currently two titles in the All Together Now! Series:
All Together Now! Nimble and Quick
All Together Now! Twist and Turn
Each class contains music and movement activities with lessons for children ages birth - kindergarten, with adult partners.
Recorded movement rhymes - Nursery Rhymes accompanied and surrounded by new music that invites all to listen and move appropriately.
Many nursery rhymes re-imagined with movement and music.
A great variety of activities having similar functions found in all Musikgarten publications.