Why Musikgarten

Musikgarten is a Sequential music and development program for children!

The Plan - Only Musikgarten offers a comprehensive, sequential plan for the musical development of your child from birth through beginning piano. Each of our six courses stands on its own and fits the developmental needs of the child. Class time is educational, fun and purposeful. 

The Teachers - Your Musikgarten teacher is a highly trained professional with classroom and field experience in early childhood music education and child development.

The Curriculum - Musikgarten's programs are based on meeting the developmental needs of children as they grow. Favorite songs, stories, and dances are revisited throughout - building on what each child has mastered and enjoyed - making successful learning easier. 

Family Involvement - You will receive CDs, family activity guides and instruments to continue the bonding and fun of music with your child at home. 

Erin's Music Studio

Columbus, Ohio 43220
